
XiteBio Inoculants Are Powered By AGPT. What’s That?

In recent few months, number of our customers, farmers and dealers asked us about our inoculants (XiteBio® SoyRhizo® and XiteBio® PulseRhizo®) and their uniqueness. They wanted to know how XiteBio’s inoculants are different and what is AGPT® (Advanced Growth Promoting Technology).  At XiteBio, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of ag-biological innovations. Our inoculants use proprietary formulations of our specially selected rhizobia to maximize Nitrogen (N)-fixation and plant health in your crops. The secret behind our innovative inoculant technologies is XiteBio’s unique proprietary formulation called AGPT®. AGPT® is specially formulated with the selected rhizobium species to ensure the strongest nodulation and greatest N-fixation for your legume crops like pulses or soybeans. AGPT® inoculants also introduce the optimum number of rhizobia into your soil. In this week’s Growing Possibilities blog we let Dr. Manas Banerjee, President & CEO of XiteBio takes you through what AGPT® is, how it helps your crops using XiteBio’s IRD (Innovation, Research & Development) team in a video interview format below.

To learn more about XiteBio’s IRD team, and how AGPT® inoculants like XiteBio® SoyRhizo® and XiteBio® PulseRhizo® can help your crops next season, visit xitebio.ca.

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