XiteBio® OptiPlus®
Dual Action Inoculant for Soybeans
XiteBio® OptiPlus ® is a versatile, multi-action liquid soybean inoculant that can be applied in-furrow and
comes in a convenient, low volume, ready-to-use package.
XiteBio® OptiPlus® adds an optimum number of nitrogen-fixing rhizobia to soybeans to enhance nodulation while also increasing plant available soil-fixed phosphorous, iron and calcium.
XiteBio® OptiPlus ® combines XiteBio’s AGPT® (Advanced Growth Promoting Technology) bacterial inoculant platform with yield-enhancing PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria). The easy-to-use XiteBio® OptiPlus ® liquid formulation goes beyond traditional inoculants by working with native soil rhizobium instead of competing with them, and can be tank-mixed with compatible liquid fertilizers or water for easy in-furrow application.
Product Specifications
Active Ingredient:
Minimum of 2 x 10⁹
Bradyrhizobium japonicum CFU per mL
Minimum of 1 x 10⁸
Bacillus firmus CFU per mL
Modes of Action:
–Nitrogen (N) Fixation
-Phosphorus (P) Solubilization
-Phytohormone Production
-Iron (Fe) Chelation
Ready-to-Use Liquids
Application Options:
In-Furrow (at planting)
Tank-Mix Compatible
Yes (Please consult compatibility chart)
Package Size:
22.6L or 764 fl oz/Case
Case Treats:
Variable acres depending on row spacing, previous history of soybeans on field.
Consult label for full details.
Application Rate:
Variable rate depending on row spacing, previous history of soybeans on field.
Consult label for full details.
Shelf Life:
1 year
Approved for organic use in Canada
Click here to read our organic use document.
XiteBio® OptiPlus ®

- Ready-to-Use
- Introduces optimum numbers of rhizobia
- Invigorates native soil microflora
- Greater root nodulation & development
- Boosts N-fixation
- Increases soil P availability and uptake
- Production of plant growth phytohormones
Field Trial Results

Photo taken of Minot trial that received a +12 bu /ac yield increase in 2021