
XiteBio® Vegi+

XiteBio® Vegi+

Ag-biological for Vegetable Crops

What is XiteBio® Vegi+?

XiteBio® Vegi+ is a unique ag-biological that uses a patented strain of Bacillus firmus. This bacteria vigorously colonizes plant roots and solubilizes soil bound phosphorus (P) for increased plant uptake.

This unique bacteria also produces phytohormones which stimulate earlier initiation of roots and their development. Allowing the plant to have more access to soil nutrients, air and water. 

These modes of action have been observed to increase the number of fruits per plant, the number of marketable vegetables and overall yield.

Product Specifications

Active Ingredient: 
Bacillus firmus
Minimum of 1×108 CFU per mL

Ready-To-Use Liquid
10 L/Case

Application Rate:
250 ml/ac (may vary with row spacing)

Application Method:
Early Post (0-6 leaf)

Compatibility with starter fertilizers*
Compatibility with pesticides*
*See compatibility chart

Organic: Certified organic in Canada

To view our organic use document click here
XiteBio® Vegi+
  • Increases Overall Yield
  • Increases Fruit per Plant
  • Drench at planting application
  • All-in-one
  • 2 year shelf life


XiteBio Vegi+ has been tested on the following crops:

  • Cucumbers
  • Tomatoes
  • Peppers
  • Onions
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflowers
  • Navy Beans
Green pepper, Tomato, Cauliflower, Carrot, Onion, Cucumber Navy Bean arranged to fit in a square.
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